Are you infected with Entrepreneurial Fuckarounditis?

There is a disease spreading around the world, one that affects aspiring entrepreneurs. And it is very dangerous. It’s called “Entrepreneurial Fuckarounditis”. “What’s that?”, you might ask. I will promptly explain. But first, a little background on the term… Staying fit and healthy are top priorities in my life, so …

My Daily Ritual for Extreme Productivity

How would you like to be able to accomplish more in one day than other people accomplish in one week? Sounds interesting, right? Then read along to learn how to boost your productivity to levels you never thought possible. Productivity for finite humans Before we get to the juicy part, …

How to Become Rich in 500 Words (or less)

Brief primer on how to become rich. 1) Mindset Everything in your life, including financial success, depends on your mindset. If you adopt the philosophy that “Money doesn’t make you happy”, you have already lost. Money is just a tool. It will just make you more of who you are. …