Lifestyle Archive

I got lucky…

Every once in awhile, I meet a person or acquaintance that implicitly or explicitly attributes my (quite honestly limited) success in business and entrepreneurship to luck. Trapped in their skewed perceived reality, they somehow fail to see the larger picture. Projecting their own lack of accomplishments to others and me, …

The Greatest Reward in Becoming a Millionaire

Jim Rohn is one of my favorite figures in the personal development world. Rohn was an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker. He was also a world-renowned business philosopher and a recognized legend in the fields of motivation and personal achievement. One of the prominent themes of his work is …

7 Easy Steps to Becoming a Modern Slave

Is slavery really abolished in the modern free world? While slavery was officially abolished in America in 1865, there is still a large restriction of people’s freedom even in developed western countries. Now I am not talking about the limitations of freedom that governments are gradually imposing in the name …

What is the Rat Race and how to Escape it

Do you find yourself constantly working but making little financial progress? Do you belong to the 76% of the population that lives paycheck to paycheck and will face serious problems if they suddenly lose their jobs? Do you feel like you are progressing in your career, but at the same …